Hello Everyone!
First I would like to thank you for checking out my blog. This blog contains anything and everything involving softball. As my first post to you wonderful people I just want to explain my love for the game, and what you can expect from this blog.
Have you ever walked out onto a softball diamond and smelt the fresh cut crass and heard the sound of dirt crunch beneath your cleats? I have, and it is one of my favorite feelings. I have always had a love for sports my entire life, but I have always held a special place in my heart for softball especially the position of pitcher. Every year come early Spring you will find me coaching, playing, or just watching softball even as an adult I can't stay away from the diamond.
Most topics that you can expect to hear about are games, positions, drills, equipment, pitchers, catchers, hitting, hitters, the college world series, etc.
Below is a photo of Jenna Ferguson a Junior Varsity Softball Player for Lakeland High School. In the photo Jenna is laying down a bunt while her team all looks on.