Friday, September 25, 2015

Softball Up's A Catch-Special Thanks "

Good Afternoon,

On behalf of Softball Up I would like to thank everyone whom visited our site this week during our "Softball Up's A Catch Campaign." I would have loved to see or view some favorite softball catching moments, but it has still been a fun week where we have gained followers and views. Don't forget to come back, and visit our site again, and check out what other awesome softball topics we cover. I leave you with a parting softball catch by a 15 year old girl.

Until Next Time,
Softball Up

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Softball Up's A Catch-Softball Catching Drills

Hey Softball Fan,

Todays video clip is about different softball drills used to catch a softball. There are a lot of great ideas that I haven't even tried in this clip. I especially like the drill presented where you catch the ball bare handed. This drill is designed to work on seeing the ball into your hand. Yes, you will have your glove on when you catch a normal softball, but if you can do his drill you should have no problem catching a ball with your glove on. Catching is a key component of softball it is hard to play if you don't know how to catch, so I have also provided a video for beginners on how to catch a softball. I hope you  enjoy the two videos that I have provided.

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Softball Up's A Catch-Epic Fail at Catching A Pop-fly

Good Afternoon,

Today I have a funny clip of an outfielder trying to catch a pop-fly, and falling into a fence. We have all experienced running into a fence while trying hard to catch a pop-fly, but I can honestly say I have never had what happened to this player happen to me. Even though this would be so embarrassing I have to say that I give her credit for not giving up on trying to make the catch.  Take a look, and feel free to tell us what you think of this epic fail of someone attempting to make a catch.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Softball Up's A Catch-Crazy Softball Catches

Hey Everyone,

The video below is The Top 12 Plays of the Year, and you will find some amazingly crazy catches and plays in this video clip. It shows players that never give up on a play even if it looks like its going foul or going to be a homer. There are girls running into boundary walls/fences in foul territory to make a catch, and one girl even runs smack into the dugout catching the ball and managing to hang on to it. You will also find girls diving, sliding, and fully laying out to make a catch or play. Those are the type of players I loved to have on my team as a player, and I love to coach now as a coach. The players that give it their all no matter what. I love a player that shows heart, and gives 110% every time they step foot onto the field. The type of players that are featured in this video clip are exactly that they are dedicated to the game of softball, and are not afraid to get dirty laying out for a ball. I hope you enjoyed this clip as much as I did, and keep a look out for tomorrows clip featuring catching fails.

Until Next Time,

Monday, September 21, 2015

Softball Up's A Catch-Favorite Softball Catch or Catching Moment

Good Afternoon Softball Fans, 

Softball Up's is promoting brand awareness this week, and we need your help! Throughout the week we will be posting videos you won't want to miss that has to do with "Crazy Catches," "Catching Fails," and "Catching Drills." In addition we are asking you to post your favorite softball catch or catching moments to either our Facebook or Twitter Page. Your post can be in a form of a story, video, or photograph.

My favorite softball catch or catching moment is a time when life was easier, and adult life never got in the way of what you loved. I lived for the time the snow melted, and I could get out on the softball diamond. Their is never a better feeling than when you are able to set foot on the softball diamond for the first time of the season. We always practiced inside to prepare for the season until the snow melted making plays, batting practice, and catching pop-flies, or line-drives was exciting as always, but is was never the same as being on the field. So the greatest softball catching moment that I have is the first pop-fly or line-drive catch of the season on the actual diamond. I was lucky enough to  experience this moment every year, and never in a game, but in practice doing fielding drills preparing for the season opener.

Don't forget to share your favorite softball catch or catching moment on Facebook or Twitter!

Until next time,
Erica Skaggs 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Love Of The Diamond

Hello Everyone!

First I would like to thank you for checking out my blog. This blog contains anything and everything involving softball. As my first post to you wonderful people I just want to explain my love for the game, and what you can expect from this blog.
Have you ever walked out onto a softball diamond and smelt the fresh cut crass and heard the sound of dirt crunch beneath your cleats? I have, and it is one of my favorite feelings. I have always had a love for sports my entire life, but I have always held a special place in my heart for softball especially the position of pitcher. Every year come early Spring you will find me coaching, playing, or just watching softball even as an adult I can't stay away from the diamond.
Most topics that you can expect to hear about are games, positions, drills, equipment, pitchers, catchers, hitting, hitters, the college world series, etc.
Below is a photo of Jenna Ferguson a Junior Varsity Softball Player for Lakeland High School. In the photo Jenna is laying down a bunt while her team all looks on.